Amor com Humor

Talvez você não entenda...

Perhaps, you will not understand, but... The Rodl river in Rottenegg, Austria, burst its banks as heavy flooding continued in Central and Eastern Europe. Perhaps, you will not understand, but... i love you...
Perhaps, you will not understand, but the weakness of the White House economic team has forced President Bush to become his own economic spokesman, with sometimes embarrassing results, and perhaps, you will not understand but Ferrari´s Michael Schumacher captured the French Grand Prix at the Circuit de Nevers in Magny Cours, defeating McLaren´s Kimi Raikkonen by 1.105 seconds.
Perhaps, you´re still not understanding but... Brazil´s central bank chief pledged to lend money to embattled Brazilian companies, amid growing concerns about the success of the IMF´s $30bn loan package. Isto, para falar a verdade nem mesmo the Brazil´s central bank chief understood, but what really matter é que nóis é penta!!
Perhaps, you will not understand, but.. a verdade é que eu não falo picas de inglês e esta foi a única forma de lhe chamar a atenção e dizer, de uma maneira original, o quanto eu gosto de você! I hope that you will understand; ou melhor, espero que você entenda e corresponda!

Kisses, quero dizer, beijos,
(assinatura) P.S.: Querida, esta carta foi redigida com o gracioso apoio dos jornais New York Times e Financial Times, aos quais devoto o meu agradecimento.